Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

How to keep the Warmth of your Heart


- Foreign dancers may be better, technically, and more beautiful and professional than Egyptians, but they´re cold. This is where they lose the game. 


First, let´s hit pause. There´s nothing to lose or gain because, let me repeat this till exhaustion, we don´t have to live and dance in competition mode. Let whoever wants to compete with you, compete. Let them burn in that fire if that´s their wish - you don´t have to participate in...

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Myth #1 about Egyptian Dance (and its debunking)


The most common Myths about Egyptian Dance (and their debunking)


Myth #1 - Egyptian Dance is a Seduction Ritual.
And, by saying "a seduction ritual", I´m being nice. Polite. Prudish, perhaps.
 Although I know where this idea comes from, and although a lot of dancers keep feeding it, I never wrapped my head around it. There´s a part of me, the part that knows, that can´t digest this nonsense.
Yes, Egyptian...
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The Importance of Rhythm in Egyptian Dance

Joana Saahirah World
The Importance of Rhythm in Egyptian Dance

What is the big deal around Rhythm?

Is Rhythm really that important?

Do Oriental Dancers have to know Rhythms?

Check this Blog Post/Audio Post where I share a few reasons why Rhythm is central in Egyptian Dance.


Listen. Enjoy.


Want to develop your relationship with Rhythm even further? 

If so, join our upcoming Course "Rhythms for Oriental Dancers" created and delivered by Joana Saahirah and our guest teacher, Mr. George Sawa.


Click ...

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3 Steps to Improve your Musicality

Why should you even care?

Why is Musicality such a big deal?

Aren´t dancers supposed to be moving instead of listening?


If I earned a dollar each time I heard one of those questions, I´d be a millionaire. 

 And it pains me to notice how ignorant most of us are of the true magic of Egyptian Dance.


Yes, Egyptian Dance is movement but it cannot be resumed to it. Egyptian Dance is not a sport, not a gymnastic discipline, not an army drill, not a mechanical set...

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"Alhamdulillah" - Motivational Message by Joana Saahirah

Joana Saahirah World
"Alhamdulillah" - Motivational Message by Joana Saahirah

Having lived and performed in Egypt for almost a decade meant three things:

1. The beginning of my international career in Egyptian Oriental and Folkloric Dance;

2. An in-depth knowledge and love for Egyptian Dance, Music, and Culture;

3. A deep, often dramatic, shift in the way I saw myself, the world, and life.


One of the most challenging aspects of living and working, as a foreigner, in a different culture, is the shock between the values we carry within and the values that...

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Where my Heroine´s Journey started

This is where my Heroine´s Journey started.
Joseph Campbell once wrote about the Hero´s Journey and its iconic phases. I lived that journey and, indeed, "followed my bliss", way before I knew there had been an author, somewhere, who had named the adventure I went through.
Way before I moved to Egypt to start my career; way before I became a professional Oriental Dancer; way before my destiny was forever changed and the actress in me gave...
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Why do we block our Sensuality?

Joana Saahirah World
Why do we block our Sensuality?


Sensuality. Seduction. Odalisques and sultans. An exotic dance form both ancient and deliciously naughty; forbidden; even sinful.


This is how most of us see Egyptian Dance (erroneously called "belly dance").


In the middle of that melting pot of myths, prejudices, and distortions, it´s hard to organize the house and know, with absolute clarity, what are we talking about when we talk about Egyptian Oriental Dance.


Thankfully, there are facts. History. Reality....

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The Maa´lema´s Confidence

Joana Saahirah World
The Maa´lema´s Confidence


Om Mohamed was a regular Egyptian woman. 

Or so it seemed.


 She wore the "hijab", like a good Muslim woman does, so says the crowd; obeyed her husband, accepted the existence of another woman in her conjugal life - her husband´s second wife -; worked at home and outside of her home, the worst of her sins, only forgiven because the family needed the money.


The neighbors spoke highly of her. Her husband´s second wife, a much appreciated help in the...

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What kind of Egyptian Dance Student are you?

Joana Saahirah World
What kind of Egyptian Dance Student are you?

What kind of Egyptian Dance student are you?  I mean, for real. 

Also, does it matter? (spoiler alert #1: it does)


In all these years of career in Egyptian Dance - more than 20 years of non-stop performing, teaching, lecturing, judging, and learning from every front, first in Egypt and then around the World - I´ve noticed there are different kinds of students. 


I´ve also noticed how those different kinds of students behave and how their attitude...

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Discoveries from my Bed Rest (when a dancer has to stop moving)

“Doing those deeply unfashionable things—slowing down, letting your spare time expand, getting enough sleep, resting—is a radical act now, but it is essential. This is a crossroads we all know, a moment when you need to shed a skin. If you do, you’ll expose all those painful nerve endings and feel so raw that you’ll need to take care of yourself for a while. If you don’t, then that skin will harden around you.”
Katherine May -...
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