Sensuality. Seduction. Odalisques and sultans. An exotic dance form both ancient and deliciously naughty; forbidden; even sinful.
This is how most of us see Egyptian Dance (erroneously called "belly dance").
In the middle of that melting pot of myths, prejudices, and distortions, it´s hard to organize the house and know, with absolute clarity, what are we talking about when we talk about Egyptian Oriental Dance.
Thankfully, there are facts. History. Reality. And my own experience as a professional Oriental Dancer, Teacher, Choreographer, and Author - first, in Egypt, where I launched my career, and then, around the world. More than 20 years of a career that has made me know and respect my craft.
Egyptian Dance is an art form of Sensuality, not Seduction.
Seduction is about the other; it wants to affect a target; it aims at providing pleasure - or the promise of pleasure - to an exterior subject. I do something in order to affect someone.
Sensuality is about me; its only target is self-pleasure; it aims at reminding us of our birthright to pleasure, joy, fire, life. I do something in order to feel great in my own skin.
That. Is. Egyptian. Dance.
Let´s read it out loud, shall we?
Now, that we´ve cleaned the house and clarified basic premises, let´s dive into this Blog Post, which is also a Podcast Post, about WHY WE BLOCK OUR SENSUALITY.
Want to know about it?
Sit down. Relax. And Listen to the Audio I´ve prepared for you, a bonus feature offered inside one of our pioneering Online Courses - "Baladi Advanced - Maa´lema Edition" available at
Joana Saahirah´s Online Dance School.
Want to develop your Sensuality - in your Dance and in your Life?
Also, want to learn a b-o-m-b-a-s-t-i-c Baladi Choreography that´ll rock your world?
If so, check our pioneering ONLINE "BALADI COURSE - MAA´LEMA EDITION"
Also, feel welcome to check our BALADI BUNDLE with 3 of our best-selling Baladi courses
Interested in authentic Egyptian Dance, Personal Discovery & Empowerment?
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joana saahirah´s online dance school
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the most important thing you can do for yourself
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you have to die in order to live
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