Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

3 Gifts Egyptian Folklore has offered me

Joana Saahirah World
3 Gifts Egyptian Folklore has offered me


When most of us think about Egyptian Folklore, we don´t think about Personal Growth. Or a life-changing transformation.

In fact, we think of nothing. Of nonsense, frequently.


Egyptian Folklore has been the "poor sister" of "Raks el Sharki" ("Dance of the East"/Oriental Dance) since I can remember. 


It seems to be less cool.

Less glamorous.

Less important.


Yet, having performed, taught, and choreographed Egyptian Folklore for such a long time - first, in...

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Simple Things that bring Joy to your Dance


Let me ask you something:

When you think about Egyptian Dance, what are the first words that pop into your head?

For most of us, Egyptian Dance comes with baggage. Heavy Baggage.

My man was once asked, in an ushered, almost forbidden manner, if what "I did" was allowed for children.

I was often asked, at the beginning of my career, if what I did was a dance of seduction and whom, if I didn´t mind answering it, I was seducing.



When "Egyptian Dance" comes to the...

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A Dancer in Ramadan (Lessons from the Holy Month)

Joana Saahirah World
A Dancer in Ramadan (Lessons from the Holy Month)

First, I studied in Egypt. 

Then, I moved there to launch my career, develop myself as an Oriental Dancer, go deep into the ancient veins of Egypt, break my bones, and grow my wings. That´s when I fell in love with Ramadan, the main festivity in the Islamic calendar.


 No, I´m not a Muslim. 

Yes, I´m weary of organized Religions and aware of the gap between spirituality and institutions; although I respect the creed of every individual, for as long as...

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How to Become a Peaceful Dancer (7-Day Challenge)

I was sitting on our backyard, during my morning meditation, when a voice whispered in my ear:

- Emanate peace at all times and see what happens.

-Who the hell whispered that in my ear? - I thought, abruptly opening my eyes, looking over my shoulder, in search of a ghost, like a mad woman. - Who said that? - I talked with the air.

It took me a second to realize that the message was the interesting part of this story, not the messenger. 

-Emanate peace at all times and see what happens. -...

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A Major Key to Self-Empowerment - Motivational Message

Joana Saahirah World
A Major Key to Self-Empowerment - Motivational Message


There´s a Motivational Monday Message delivered to the students of 

Joana Saahirah´s Signature Course - Egyptian Dance & Self-Development from the ABC to Mastery, every week.




I do my best to address challenges most of my students face in their dance and in their life.

Here´s one of them: the use of our past and the conditions we have, or don´t have, as excuses for victimhood, mediocrity, and lack of massive action towards our goals...

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Me, Souhair Zaki, Tarab & my Awakening

Joana Saahirah World
Me, Souhair Zaki, Tarab & my Awakening

Me and Souhair Zaki at "Ahlan wa Sahlan" Festival in Cairo, Egypt


She was the unbeatable reference of elegance, art, dignity, artistry and soul in Egyptian Dance and I was a student, traveling in Egypt, in search for myself, in search of the roots of the dance I´d come to call my own.

Her name was(is) Souhair Zaki and she gave me one of the biggest gifts a Teacher can offer a Student: a glimpse into the true meaning of "Raks el Sharki", Egyptian Oriental Dance; the so-called,...

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How to Elevate your Energetic Vibration

Joana Saahirah World
How to Elevate your Energetic Vibration

Energy is real. And it shapes who we are, our reality, our lives.

In this 3rd dimensional world we live in, we´ve been taught to care for the physical, the things we can see and touch. The invisible has been, until recently, a subject for witches, wizards, and lunatics.


When, on my first work visit to Ireland, I had a one-on-one meeting with spirits - the souls of deceased people who decided they wanted me to see them, touch them and talk to them - at the (in)famous Charleville...

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Three shocking lessons 2021 has taught me

I´m not going to lie:

The year of 2021 has knocked me down. Not out, but down. 

Down is the opposite of up, down and up being the two faces of the same coin, and we can only go up when we´re down. So, I´m fine. The Wheel is turning for all of us, independently of our awareness of it, and I dance upon mine with champagne, strawberries, and laughter on the side.

In this post, something I wrote primarily for myself and then, for you, I´m sharing 3 shocking lessons...

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What knives and dust can do to a person



In Egypt, there are worlds beneath the worlds tourists can see.


There´s the layer of tourists and occasional visitors; the layer of expatriates who live aside/protected from the real country; the layer of the ones who dig deep into Egypt´s bones.


I´ve always belonged to the last layer - there were no buffers, no protection, no intermediary between me and the reality of Egypt. The best and the worst - I saw it, ate it, drank it, breathed it.


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Why I hated Shaabi & why I fell in love with it

Joana Saahirah World
Why I hated Shaabi & why I fell in love with it

I´ve already told you about my hate-love relationship with Modern Shaabi.

I told you I´d built a wall between my work and this style, my world and the world of Shaabi but I hadn´t told you why I´d built those walls.

In this blog post, I´m sharing the real story behind my resistance towards Shaabi and why I - perhaps shockingly - fell in love with it.


  • Listen to the Blog/Podcast Episode and check join our NEW "Modern Shaabi" Course happening this...
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