Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

Tips to bring more Sensuality into your Dance & Life


Sensuality is at the core of Life.

Our senses, sexual energy, and inner fire are the ones that allow us to live, procreate, and thrive. Without them, there´s no life. In other words, without Sensuality, there´s no life.

Sure enough, we´ve turned and twisted the concept of Sensuality upside down, as we´ve done with many of the most relevant concepts in life. We´ve been told it´s something to be controlled, tamed, hidden; that we should be ashamed of it,...

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Here´s what I do in times of crisis


From my window, I see the Atlantic ocean. It´s beautiful. 

I can also see the emptiness of the street, the cars that stopped passing by, the neighbors who refrain from leaving the house. Just like I do, just like most people in Europe do, right now.

The Corona Virus hit the world and with it comes a series of QUESTIONS we never dared asking. I´m a firm believer in the flipside of the coin. Meaning: every challenge carries an opportunity and every crisis has its perks if...

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How my BREAKDOWN turned into a BREAKTHROUGH (confession by Joana Saahirah)

See the smile in this photo?                                       It took me a long time to get it - a relaxed, truly confident, natural smile coming from a sense of absolute self-acceptance. That smile speaks more than a thousand words, if you know what´s behind it. And I do.






For a long time, I drove the Masculine/Ego-oriented/Career oriented road...

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Singing in the rain with the Master, Mahmoud Reda


That was our first work trip together outside of Egypt. In Brighton, the UK, a little, cozy, town with dollhouses.

I was assisting Mahmoud Reda, the Father of Egyptian Folklore and the genius behind the "Reda Troupe", in his workshops and I was also teaching mine.

Mahmoud and I, having lunch, during a break at the festival where we taught in Brighton (the beautiful and talented dancer, Orit Maftsir, is in the group ;) )


In the evening, there was a show. I performed, watching...

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The biggest GIFT any teacher can give you


Have you ever met a Teacher who changed you or/and the course of your life?

They say the teacher appears when the student´s ready. I´ve always been ready to learn; always curious, thriving for more, deeper, better. 

I´m many things - a Teacher, a Dancer, a Choreographer, an Author and - but, mostly, I´m an Eternal Student. Understandably, loads of powerful teachers have popped, from time to time, into my life.

From all the amazing teachers I...

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The Lesson from Mahmoud Reda that changed my Life




  • Beauty can be found in the ugliest places



You´ll not hear me using the expression “Master” or “Master Teacher” frequently. I rarely use that title, one of deep respect and admiration, the kind of recognition that cannot be bought or marketing-made.

For me, a Master Teacher isn´t only someone who has a deep and wide dominion over their craft. In the case of Mahmoud Reda, that´s Egyptian Dance (Oriental &...

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How to turn YOUR dreams into reality (Joana Saahirah´s Tool Kit)

Today, we have a New Moon in Aquarius, the symbol of innovation, out of the box thinking & doing; visions and dreams. 

Every year, month, day are opportunities to DREAM and to TAKE ACTION towards our dreams. I believe in this - I´ve been living it since I can remember.

None of what I´ve done in my career and personal life would be possible if I wasn´t a PROFESSIONAL DREAM MAKER. I can only teach from experience - I teach what I am, do, live.

As we enter 2020, the...

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Celebrate YOURSELF, your DANCE, your LIFE


I know the preparation for the NEW YEAR usually focuses on our DREAMS and, hopefully, in the STEPS we have to take in order to materialize them. That´s all good. Though not enough.

Experience has taught me there are too many plans for the future and too little APPRECIATION for the path already walked. We´ve all been the recipient of opportunities, blessings, lessons, hardships and victories; we´ve all been given the sweet and the sour. But few of us look back to


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What the last decade - of DANCE & LIFE - taught me

Looking back has never been "my thing" unless I do it as a student. A student of life.

We may live, or survive, without gathering our bearings; we may also grow older without growing up - ever. I choose to gather my bearings and to grow up. Annualy, weekly, I´d say daily.

As we enter 2020, I stop, breathe, and look back in search of answers, guidelines, lessons learned, jewels I can take with me on my upcoming Life Chapter.

We´re starting a new decade, one I believe will be a...

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My Secret Christmas Ritual (which has improved my life immensely)

Tradition is a big part of Christmas. I´d say, for most of us, tradition defines Christmas.

I believe in Traditions that bring out the best in us; I also believe in creating NEW traditions that add peace, beauty, love, and evolution to our lives.

  • For that reason, and because I like to start each new year with a light heart, this is what I started doing, each Christmas (my Secret Christmas Ritual):

1. I look around, at my life, and see whom have I wronged. Have I hurt someone,...

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