I´ve always been a DOER.
No, I´m no stranger to laziness, procrastination, the fear of failure and/or success, exhaustion. I deal with those, in different intensity degrees, on a daily basis.
Yes, I also like to have fun, relax, being instead of producing. Netflix calls me, quitting is an option, if only for a second; I´m human, after all.
And, still, DOING is my thing. As hard, sweaty, challenging, and boring as it may be, at times, DOING is my cup of tea; it builds character, self-confidence, faith in ourselves and in life.
To my surprise, there´s a little magical thing we also have to consider: it´s called BALANCE.
When we DO-DO-DO and refuse to STOP, a lot can go wrong. Our health, energy levels, relationships, and soul suffers.
When we identify our VALUE with PRODUCTIVITY, we´re denying our nature and allowing the exterior world to define us and the way we see ourselves.
When there´s no balance between the DOING and the BEING, we lose ourselves - we become human doings instead of human beings.
There´s so much we can do in this Quarantine. I´m the first to advocate for creativity, action, making the best of this time, starting a new hobby, a new project; completing unfinished tasks, moving forward with our dreams.
There´s also much we can and probably should undo. Like, the idea that we´re not allowed to stop, that being is a waste of time.
Let me tell you, this compulsive doer of yours, STOPPING is the most creative act we can take, sometimes.
In life, as in dance.
I´ve been teaching stillness, pauses, silence, breathing & being in Dance for centuries. Perhaps millennia. It´s still one of the hardest skills to acquire: no skill at all, just being present in yourself, in the dance, in the moment.
It all comes down to BALANCE, that elusive bridge none of us touches and all search for.
Today, I´ll take Mary Oliver´s poem to heart and rest. My most creative, and daring, decision, at the moment.
There´s a whole internal world begging for space and permission to breathe. In silence. In stillness. In reverence for what is.
Stillness feeds action just like the night feeds the day.
P.S: You´re allowed to stop and rest; your value as a human being is not dictated by the amount of work you produce or how much you run in the mice wheel.
P.S2: You´re enough
P.S3: WATCH THIS VIDEO ( I am Enough - Comfortable with just Being )
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