When most of us think about Egyptian Folklore, we don´t think about Personal Growth. Or a life-changing transformation.
In fact, we think of nothing. Of nonsense, frequently.
Egyptian Folklore has been the "poor sister" of "Raks el Sharki" ("Dance of the East"/Oriental Dance) since I can remember.
It seems to be less cool.
Less glamorous.
Less important.
Yet, having performed, taught, and choreographed Egyptian Folklore for such a long time - first, in Egypt; then, around the world -; having studied and worked with the Father of Egyptian Folklore, the genius behind the iconic "Reda Troupe", Mahmoud Reda, and having witnessed the transformation it operated in me, I have news for you:
Egyptian Folklore can be a game-changer in your dance path. And, if you dare to go there, in your life. The gem you may be looking for.
In this blog post, I´m sharing 3 Gifts Egyptian Folklore has offered me.
Hint #1: you won´t guess what these are
Hint #2: you need to be humble in order to enjoy these gifts
Hint #3: these gifts have changed me forever
Listen to this Blog Post - enjoy.
If you wish to go deeper into Egyptian Folklore, I have a few suggestions for you. Check the Egyptian Folklore Courses we have available at
Joana Saahirah´s Online Dance School:
Interested in authentic Egyptian Dance, Personal Discovery & Empowerment?
All Categories3 gifts egyptian folklore has offered me
3 principles of self-empowerment tools
3 shocking lessons 2021 has taught me
3 soul boosters by joana saahirah
3 steps to awaken your creativity
3 steps to improve your musicality
3 things that instantly change your life
an intimate portrait of mahmoud reda
control and surrender in egyptian dance
egyptian dance that smells like jasmine
how i remain grounded and positive
how to become a peaceful dancer
how to boost your self-confidence
how to elevate your energetic vibration
how to empower yourself during disempowering times
how to keep the warmth of your heart
how to turn your dreams into reality
human connection - egyptian dance´s purpose
joana saahirah online dance school
joana saahirah signature course
joana saahirah´s online dance school
my mum´s golden self-empowerment rule
myth #2 about egyptian dance and its debunking
myths about egyptian dance and their debunking
om kolthoum can change your life
random pleasures that feed my soul
simple things that bring joy to your dance
surprising benefits of shimmies
the forgotten pillars of authentic egyptian dance
the importance of egyptian rhythms
the life lessons hid in egyptian dance
the mindset of an empowered dancer
the most important thing you can do for yourself
the night i proposed to fifi abdou
the poetry of egyptian rhythms
the secret role of shimmies in egyptian dance
the ultimate self-empowerment tool
truths on self-confidence nobody told you about
what i learned from egyptian women
what i´m saying yes to this christmas
what makes my heart skip a beat
what my (genius) percussionist taught me
what my egyptian musician taught
what your teachers don´t tell you
where my heroine´s journey started
why i fell in love with shaabi
why i hated shaabi & why i fell in love with it
why saiidi is the king of egyptian folklore
why we run away from our power
why you shouldn´t learn egyptian dance
you have to die in order to live
50% Complete
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