I´m sitting at a coffee shop - a cozy, warm, dim-lighted nook -, writing about my Christmas.
There´s a calm atmosphere in the air; a kid asks his mum for a brownie (mum says no, kid throws a tantrum); a geek reads the "Wuthering Heights" at the table next to me.
My man comes in my direction holding two cappuccinos in his hands - he´s smiling at me, trying not to spill the coffee; his face, tender.
This is how I´d have liked to start this blog post but, if I´m being honest - and, damn, I have this annoying tendency to be honest -, the scene you read is a product of my imagination, how I wish my Christmas season had started, not reality.
The year of 2022 kicked my ass. As did 2021, and 2020. There was a lot of evolution in different areas, especially in the growth of our platform and school, but the challenges were innumerable and exceptionally tough to handle.
I can honestly say these last years have punched me in the stomach - again, and again. And I guess I´m not alone.
What we consider "ideal" is rarely the reality we´re living. Yet, although I love to use my imagination, I believe that reality beats it any time of the day.
So, let´s put my idyllic coffee shop scene aside and focus on what´s really happening: I´m closing the year with loads of exciting work, health challenges, meetings with our lawyer, gathering support to finish an important literary work, loads of love, and life-changing transitions (new house, new country, new life).
Small stuff, as you can see.
I´m also deciding what I´ll say yes to, this Christmas.
1. I´m saying YES to rest.
I´m not good at it. I know how to create, move, work, travel, make stuff happen, go outdoors, manifest. I´m terrible in the art of rest. I´m learning, though. And, for a few days, I´ll say yes to it.
2. I´m saying YES to myself.
My priorities. My dreams. My health.
3. I´m saying YES to dating a great book.
Sitting down, for 1-straight hour slots, with a warm drink and a book on my hands. Oh, the miracle; oh, the pleasure!
4. I´m saying YES to closure.
Looking back has never been my thing except if there´s something to learn from it.
This Christmas, I´ll gather my bearings, see where I am and how far I´ve achieved in every dimension of my life. I´ll lick the wounds, gather conclusions from the losses, and celebrate myself.
5. I´m saying YES to Stillness.
I´ll sit down with myself, in meditation, for at least 15 minutes, every morning, and say yes to what is in a state of absolute stillness.
6. I´m saying YES to a soul-warming Christmas movie (probably "Shrek", for the 100th time)
The kind of movie that restores your faith in humanity; the movie that allows you to forget about your adult life, the harsh reality of a mad world, and every worry.
A movie, a fluffy blanket over my legs, and popcorn. Nothing else is required.
6. I´m saying YES to Love.
The love I give myself and the love I give to others.
In the hassle of everyday life, we often forget about the importance of love.This Christmas, I´ll offer myself the time to remember.
P.S: I love you
Have a Merry, Merry Christmas!
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