Imagine a world where you rely on can yourself for guidance, strength, wisdom, and direction.
Imagine a world where you dream and accomplish those dreams, where you know, ´cause you know, the power to be the person you wish to become is within.
That world is my concept of SELF-EMPOWERMENT, one of the keys to my career and life.
Now, let´s get clear:
Self-Empowerment, like every other subject on the face of the earth, means different things for different people.
For me, the meaning of Self-Empowerment is clear and it comes from my life. It isn´t a theory, a trendy slogan, a way to sell my work.
Self-Empowerment is what I´ve been living since I can remember.
From all the precious lessons I´ve learned along the way, in relation to self-empowerment, what it means and how to put it into action in my dance and in my life, here´s the ultimate tool:
Self-Empowerment starts and ends with SELF-LOVE.
Oh, Joana, come on! That´s obvious. Such a cliché. Even I knew that.
Think twice.
It may sound obvious when you read it, but, believe me, it isn´t.
Most human beings - women and men, dancers and non-dancers alike - have no clue on how to love themselves and how crucial that is in their self-empowerment path. To their life, period.
Self-Love is about:
The QUESTION is how willing are we to get out of our comfort zone and evolve?
Sometimes, the mud feels like home; the certainty that we don´t deserve to be happy is so deeply ingrained, it seems like losing it equals losing a part of yourself (and it does); sometimes, putting yourself down feels so familiar and safe we may not want to let it go.
But there comes a moment when we get tired of feeling tired. We hit rock bottom. Or we simply, hopefully, decide enough is enough.
Online Training/Membership
A Transformative Training that´ll take you from the ABC to the Mastery of Egyptian Oriental Dance (aka "belly dance") & Personal Development.
Learn authentic Egyptian Oriental Dance while you (re)discover who you are and empower yourself.
In this Training, Joana Saahirah delivers the juice from more than 20 years of work in the field of Egyptian Dance, first in Egypt and then, around the world.
Using her original Teaching Method, bringing the best of the East and the best of the West together, Joana faciliates your evolution. In dance, as in life.
50% Complete
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