There´s poetry in Egyptian Rhythms.
I´m aware that´s not how most dancers, and even musicians, see rhythms but that never changed the facts: rhythms aren´t just rhythms.
They´re Poems.
Each Rhythm, a Poem.
Each Rhythm, a flavor, a story, a mood, and a feeling.
Each Rhythm, a cultural context with an entire world on its back.
Maksoum (click here to listen to it) tastes like honey. It´s a poem about a sweet, happy love affair.
Zar (click here to listen to it) tastes like blood. It´s a poem about Freedom.
Masmoudi Kibir tastes like like fresh oranges on a hot Summer day. It´s a poem about Poetry itself, it flows and it makes us flow; fly.
Fellahi tastes like dates and sugar cane juice. It´s a poem about the shore of the Nile river, cotton fields on the horizon, peasants in the background.
And the list goes on.
As a dancer, I seek the music but, mostly, the life within that music, its beauty and hidden meaning.
These days - days of speed, overwhelm, superficiality, the thirst for followers and likes and the fake acceptance of strangers who don´t really know or love us - we´ve lost sight of our soul. Therefore, we´ve lost sight of the soul in music. In Egyptian Music, for sure; in every kind of music; in our lives.
We live in the age of shortcuts, easy answers, the shallow waters of "right-here-and-now".
That´s not what Egyptian Dance - and the Music that corresponds to it - represents.
I often feel this is a dance that swims against the current - the world dragging us towards robots and a soulless existence while Egyptian Dance invites us, ever so gently, to rescue our humanity - and I´m certain that´s one of the reasons I´ve been (deeply) in love with it for more than 20 years.
That´s certainly not what Egyptian Rhythms, the backbone of Egyptian Music, bring to the table.
They pull the threads of our soul in different directions, all of them heading back home, to our core; they´re messengers from another world - a world beneath the iceberg residing in each one of us; a world most never get to know; they´re poems in motion, invitations into different landscapes in the ancient, varied, and mysterious world of Egypt.
At our Online Course "Rhythms for Oriental Dancers", only available at Joana Saahirah´s Online Dance School, we´re experiencing the poetry in 8 quintessentially Egyptian Rhythms - Maksoum, Malfuf, Saiidi, Fellahi, Zar, Wahda Kibira, Masmoudi (kabir & saghir), and Sama´i.
No shallow waters. Only depth and fun. An adventure beneath the iceberg within us - a deep dive into ourselves and into the soul of Egypt.
A crime, if you missed it.
8 Modules, 8 Egyptian Rhythms, 8 Dance Combos to help you dive deep into the backbone of Egyptian Music - the Rhythm.
Indicated for dancers of all Levels.
Interested in authentic Egyptian Dance, Personal Discovery & Empowerment?
50% Complete
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