What does it mean to be a WOMAN?
I´ve seen it in myself and in most of my female students and friends - a sense of confusion, overwhelm, impossibly high expectations that leave us drained, machine-like, on survival mode, multiplying ourselves yet never feeling like we´re enough or doing enough.
This morning, I went through my morning routine - early rising, ingesting a few cups of water, doing yoga and meditation -; I dressed the nurse cloak and took care of my man who´s recovering from surgery (that included sticking a needle in his stomach and giving him a specific medication) ; I did the laundry, made us breakfast, and cleaned the kitchen; then, I watered the plants, I fed our cat while patting her and telling her how gorgeous she is; I taught the first Private Online Class of the day, and wrote a chapter of the Self-Esteem Handbook I´m offering the Members of Joana Saahirah´s Online Dance School Membership.
The day has just started and I´ve done so much - still, the feeling of not doing enough haunts me.
Still, to come, another Private Online Class, more work on my Online School, and a meeting for which I´ll have to look like Aphrodite and act like Athena. Add some kitchen time to the recipe: cooking lunch and dinner.
I´m expected to call my parents, catch up with my niece and nephew, be the perfect lover and caretaker of my man, remain a top Oriental Dancer, write books, smile and wave as I move forward.
As WOMEN, whatever that means, we´re asked to be PERFECT, whatever that means, in all the roles we embrace.
We gotta be the best lovers, partners, friends, daughters, mothers, sisters, friends, professionals, homemakers, individuals. We´re supposed to have the time and the energy to take care of ourselves while* giving ourselves away in a thousand directions, building a successful career and loving relationships and and and. If one of us chooses not to embrace one or more of those roles - career, romantic relationship, motherhood, for instance -, we´re criticized, ostracized, pitied, judged, put on private and public trial.
It´s exhausting, stressful, and not conducive to the kind of happiness that feels as good from the inside as it looks from the outside.
As I work on the NEW Online Course "HOW TO BECOME A SENSUAL BALADI GODDESS - A JOURNEY INTO BALADI, SENSUALITY AND WOMANHOOD" (follow the link for more information on this and other courses: https://www.joanasaahirah.com/joana-saahirah-online-dance-school-courses ), I dig for universal answers that are hard to find.
We´re in a transition period - from a millennial Patriarchy system which circumscribed women to the roles of wife and mother - to a period of multiple demands disguised as freedom. For the record: having the OPTION to be whatever we want to be is NOT the same as DEMANDING WE´RE EVERYTHING and telling us to do it with perfectly manicured hands, spotless skin, and nerves of steel.
They say we always find what we´re looking for - so be it. I´m searching for answers. Or, if I truly know the meaning of WOMANHOOD, I´ll create my own.
*Join the pioneering ONLINE COURSE "HOW TO BECOME A SENSUAL BALADI GODDESS - A JOURNEY INTO BALADI, SENSUALITY AND WOMANHOOD" available at Joana Saahirah´s Online Dance School and let´s explore, discover, and evolve together.
More info, here: https://www.joanasaahirah.com/offers/RKSr3RhG/checkout
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