Turning dreams into reality has always been my thing.
And because I love to teach what I´ve learned through study but, mostly, through experience, I have a gift for you.
Here are a few Co-Creation Tools I´ve been using since I can remember. They help me to be, dance, and live from my heart; they have allowed me to create the realities I dream for myself.
I hope they help you on your path, as well.
First, let´s remember a few basics truths:
1. We´re more powerful than we think but we´re not all-powerful, we´re not the only power that shapes our life.
Co-creation is a 50%-50% equation. I do half of the job; life does the other half. I cannot rob life of its power and life cannot rob me of my power which is also my responsibility.
A combination of Self-Empowerment - aka taking Responsibility for ourselves and our life - and Surrender to Life creates the Magic we wish for and deserve.
2. If Co-creation is a Partnership, a duet, it´s smart to start treating your partner with trust, kindness, and respect.
Many of us look at life as if it was against us and although I know sometimes it really looks like life is our enemy, we gotta turn that illusion around and move from mistrust and fear to trust and love.
Imagine Life is a kind, supportive, loving Mother. Can you picture it? (most of us can´t but we must).
Now, here are a few Co-Creation Tools I´ve been using in order to turn projects into victories and dreams into reality:
1. Contact with oneself.
Knowing ourselves, what matters to us, what makes us feel fulfilled, joyful, with a purpose.
Without self-awareness, there can be no co-creation. Start within.
2. Clarity.
After I create the habit of going back to myself, I can move towards the second co-creation phase which is Clarity.
Who am I?
What do I stand for?
What do I want?
What are my dreams?
What matters the most to me?
What are my priorities?
How would I like my life to look like?
Without this clarity, co-creation can be a bummer. More often than not, we create what others - our family, friends, society - want for us, not what WE WANT FOR OURSELVES.
Clarity coming from within is essential to manifest the circumstances and things that light our soul on fire.
3. Self-Confidence & Humbleness.
Here´s a bombastic cocktail you really need to bring into your existence:
A good dose of self-confidence - believing you deserve the best; believing you have the power to co-create the most amazing reality - and humbleness - the openness to work with Life and to learn the lessons the path is going to teach you - is DA BOMB.
Be comfortable as the Teacher, the one who knows a few valuable things, and the Student, the one who´s eager to learn along the way. We´re both, simultaneously, forever.
Building the internal conviction that YOU CAN DO THIS - this change, this improvement, this expansion - is as essential as BEING OPEN TO LEARN, COOPERATE, and ADAPT to what Life brings.
4. Resilience.
Most of us don´t lack the fire to start something, the ability to visualize and believe in the life of our dreams. We lack resilience.
We have glamorous and totally fictitious images of what happiness looks like. We´re sold the idea of a straight, fluid, easy and fun line when the reality is TURNING DREAMS INTO REALITY require
We quit too soon;
We feel like losers whenever life offers a challenge;
We fall and, in a quite annoying self-sabotage fashion, we prefer to believe we cannot get up, again.
Resilience is key.
When life throws you a punch, you punch back.
When things fall apart, you build new ones.
When you fall, you get up again.
When you lose faith, you rebuild that faith.
When you´re exhausted, you rest, instead of quitting.
Not giving up.
Write those words down. On a piece of paper; on your heart, as well.
5. Small (consistent) steps=Evolution
We often overestimate what we can do in 1 year while underestimating what we can do in a day.
I say: dream big and do small. Consistent small steps towards the top of the mountain you wish to climb.
Everyone can dream, lying on a sofa, eating chips, and drinking soda. That´s easy. The hard part is to get up from that sofa and TAKE CONSISTENT ACTION towards the realization of our dreams.
We dream inside our head - a safe place where everything is possible;
We materialize our dreams out there in the world - a challenging, surprising, dynamic place full of possibilities and challenges.
Once the moment to ACT UPON OUR DREAMS arrives, the excitement tends to wear off.
Don´t let it happen! Keep the fire going - reignite it, feed it, cultivate the flame that´ll take you where you want to go.
Difficulties, obstacles, hardships, mistakes, doubts, and exhaustion come from TAKING ACTION, not from dreaming.
When we take action, we face our limitations, fears, internal and external opponents, and, boy, how we love to run away from those things.
Don´t run away from the challenges and the hardships - run towards them. If you do, blessings fall upon your lap.
Courage is a key quality of Dreams´ Achievers (courage comes from the French "coeur" which means "heart).
Courage to live from the heart, no matter how tough things get;
Courage to face the obstacles, whenever they visit you;
Courage to fall, rise up, and keep moving forward;
Courage to act, fail, succeed, evolve;
Courage to embrace the Unknown, the great Adventure called LIFE.
6. Knowing YOU DESERVE IT.
Having it clear and with absolute conviction:
I deserve to materialize my dreams.
I deserve health, love, abundance, joy.
I deserve all the blessings of the Universe.
Beware of self-sabotage; beware of the belief pattern, frequently hidden in our subconscious mind, whispering:
"Who the hell do you think you are?"
"You don´t deserve this."
"Don´t even dream about...you´ll never get it."
Those self-destructive voices inside your head MUST - read this out loud - MUST BE REPLACED BY THEIR OPPOSITE.
These are a few of the CO-CREATION STRATEGIES I use to MANIFEST MY DREAMS. They´re not quick-fix solutions or New Age Mambo-Jambo. They come from life experience.
I hope they inspire your INNER DREAM MAKER.
You got this!
If you wish to take your SELF-EMPOWERMENT skills to a higher level and go deeper into the PERSONAL RESOURCES you carry within, the ones that´ll allow you to CREATE THE DANCE & LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS, check our
Online Training/Membership
A Transformative Training that´ll take you from the ABC to the Mastery of Egyptian Oriental Dance (aka "belly dance") & Personal Development.
Learn authentic Egyptian Oriental Dance while you (re)discover who you are and empower yourself.
In this Training, Joana Saahirah delivers the juice from more than 20 years of work in the field of Egyptian Dance, first in Egypt and then, around the world.
Using her original Teaching Method, bringing the best of the East and the best of the West together, Joana faciliates your evolution. In dance, as in life.
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