We live in a world of illusions. One of the biggest and most harmful illusions of all is the concept of perfection.
Social Media sells the illusion of perfect homes, perfect bodies, perfect lives. We´re inundated by images of perfection and, even without wanting to, we compare our reality to the supposed reality we see.
We feel less than...not as great/happy/amazing/special as...
The mainstream field of Egyptian Dance sells the illusion of perfect movements, perfect dance, perfect dance clothes, perfect make-up, perfect hair, perfect glamour, perfect careers, perfect everything.
No space for reality. No space for fragility, for work in progress, for bad days, for lessons learned, for ordinary-yet-precious events and people; no space for humanity.
In all my years of performing, teaching, writing, and researching in the field of Egyptian Dance, I´ve noticed this:
The most brilliant dancers are the happiest. They´re not the most perfect, the tidiest, or the prettiest - they´re the ones who radiate true, coming from within, genuine happiness.
Very often, at the end of a dance performance, I´ll find myself disheveled, make-up smudged all over my face, drowned in sweat, looking like hell yet feeling like heaven. I know, without a doubt, that was a good performance.
The same happens with love-making, playing with children, teaching, writing, cooking, singing, and any activity that makes me feel alive.
As dancers and human beings, we´re constantly being asked the question "Do you want to be perfect or happy?"
Choose one. You can´t have both. Not in dance, certainly not in life.
We´re asked that question and, strangely enough, most of us prefer to try, at least try, to be perfect as opposed to being happy.
Without question, we embrace the illusion of an idea, a construction, an idea that´s not only a fallacy but also a boring enterprise.
Perfection? What does that even mean?
I´ve seen "perfect" dance performances that made me fall asleep; I´ve observed "perfect" landscapes that made me feel nothing; I´ve dealt with "perfect" people who were constantly holding their breath, making me feel like I too was in a prison of my own making.
I´ve tried "perfect" and it´s exhausting, non-creative, unattractive, ultimately impossible to sustain.
Women, in particular, kill themselves in the pursuit of "perfection". They waste themselves in the marathon of trying to fit the mold, whatever that mold may be and find themselves falling, completely drained, in the middle of the road, with no one to lift them up.
The practice of authentic Egyptian Dance has taught me many precious things but none as precious as this:
Happiness, rather than perfection, is something worth embracing.
Happiness brings joy which brings energy which brings more life to the life you´ve been given.
Happiness makes you magnetic, creative, and capable of facing pleasant and unpleasant circumstances.
Happiness brings who you truly are to the table - it allows your inner light to shine.
Happiness honors our human existence while the pursuit of "perfection" kills it.
Happiness colors life - perfection makes it grey.
If you take nothing else from me, take this:
Rejoice in the experience as opposed to trying to control the experience.
Rejoice in the experience as opposed to trying to control the experience.
Happiness, not Perfection, opens the doors to Dance & Life.
P.S: If you wish to know more about Happiness & authentic Egyptian Dance, feel welcome to join our NEW
Online Training/Membership
A Transformative Training that´ll take you from the ABC to the Mastery of Egyptian Oriental Dance (aka "belly dance") & Personal Development.
Learn authentic Egyptian Oriental Dance while you (re)discover who you are and empower yourself.
In this Training, Joana Saahirah delivers the juice from more than 20 years of work in the field of Egyptian Dance, first in Egypt and then, around the world.
Using her original Teaching Method, bringing the best of the East and the best of the West together, Joana faciliates your evolution. In dance, as in life.
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