From where I stand, with my pc and a cup of sour, black coffee in hands, there´s a horizon of nature blooming. Luxurious, unapologetic. On your face.
Spring´s here. Everything sings. The sun is finally coming back, reminding us of our identity, the personal star that wants to shine its peculiar light; offering that extra boost of energy that´ll invite us, as it does every year, to CREATE.
Create, and forever recreate, ourselves.
Create our lives.
Create our reality - individual and collective (is there a difference between the first and the second?)
Every time these impossible-to-ignore expressions of Life knock on my door, death comes along too, like an annoying but irresistible guest who keeps crashing into my parties, uninvited.
The other side of life - Death, destruction, endings.
That´s exactly what the upcoming full moon - in Scorpio, no less - tells me about: death. To be more exact, what I need to destroy - hello, Kali! - in order to create the person, the work, and the life that currently excites me.
What do I need to kill, with my own hands, preferably, in order to enjoy the rebirth I´m being offered?
I light a candle in the dark and prepare to meet my inner demons. All of us carry them. The closer we allow them to get, the weaker they become; the more we bring them to light, the less they´ll affect us.
Who loves a good meeting with inner demons?
My Inner Demon Commitive isn´t big but it´s loud:
Destructive thoughts disrupt the beginning of my Spring - flowers and blood, birds and ghosts, blue skies and fears from the past; light and darkness doing their happy dance.
The King of the Inner Demons - I´m not enough - and his Queen - I don´t deserve to be happy/loved/abundant - burst into my living room. I greet them out of courtesy but what I really want is to annihilate them.
I wrap up my sleeves. Ready to roll.
Full Moons are always powerful, to me. The moon is in my physical body - it expands, wires, and ignites it. Insomnia, bloating, and increased libido are just a few of the delightful symptoms of this delightful connection.
This full moon, ruled by the Lord of Destruction, Pluto, and also a celebration of the birth/rebirth of Budda (it´s called "Wesak moon" for that reason), is certainly dancing within - in my blood, muscles, and bones. It doesn´t whisper from within. It yells:
It´s scary.
And essential.
On this full moon, I´m letting everything that´s not constructive burn. As much as possible, I´m allowing things, feelings, and belief patterns to die so I, too, can be reborn.
What about YOU, what are you destroying during this full moon?
What are you releasing, smashing, reducing to ashes?
And what will YOU create as a consequence of that blessed destruction?
We´re so afraid of letting go, even when we´re holding on to destructive things. Most of the time, we´d rather stay where we are instead of taking a risk, releasing the past in order to create the future. A brighter future.
This moon is an invitation to let it burn. To bet on yourself, on your life, on your Buddha-like ability to be born from the ashes.
Like the Phoenix, we rise. But not before we fall.
Don´t be afraid. Life will catch you. I promise.
Joana Saahirah
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