I was once asked if I "was born this way" by a beautiful student who was participating in one of my workshops in Merano, Italy.
In fact, I was asked that question, in different disguises, on several occasions.
How did I get here - to this point of self-awareness and assurance, a place where I can be my full self, unapologetically, and claim the freedom of not bothering about what others think of me?
Self-Confidence may be a feature most will associate with me and I have, in fact, developed it throughout the years but, rest assured, it wasn´t a quality I was born with.
I was the weird kid, a mix of ballerina and ghetto girl, who hid in the last row of the classroom and never, ever, spoke unless I was forced to. I´d blush whenever someone talked to me; I´d secretly hope Harry Potter´s invisible cloak would save me from the nuisance of being seen.
As a teenager, I loved to remain inside my almost depressing cave - keywords: hiding & cave - listening to music, dancing, reading, not having to interact with other humans. I´d run away from boys and suffered, for a couple of years, from a harsh case of anorexia. I was at war with my body, my mind, my entire self.
How did I end up in Egypt, and then around the world, performing, lecturing, teaching, exposing myself without a hint of shame or restrictions? How did I allow myself to shine when all I knew was hiding?
How did I end up loving myself - body, heart, mind, and soul - when I grew up believing I wasn´t enough?
I believe the shift happened gradually and it started with my reencounter with Egyptian Dance. It´s like a Before & After story.
This is Joana, before Egyptian Dance:
And this is Joana, after Egyptian Dance:
Egyptian Dance reminded me of things I shouldn´t have forgotten - we shouldn´t have forgotten. It brought me back to myself, my core, my truth.
It transformed me, cleansed me, opened me up with its magic wand. Soon after I started diving into it, I was a completely different person. Unrecognizable. To be more exact, I became my own person. For the first time in my life.
Once you open that door and you see there´s no point in shrinking and making yourself invisible, you never go back.
This blessed art form has given me the biggest gift of all: the awareness and celebration of my uniqueness. From that point, we can only go up.
Do I fall off the self-confidence track? Hell, yeah. I´m human and life happens. Self-confidence isn´t something we can be done with - ever. We build it and rebuild it; we lose it, sometimes, and we find it again.
Recently, I created a video about how Egyptian Dance can change our life ( click HERE to watch ) and it got me thinking about gratitude and path. Our unique path.
Looking back, something I don´t do often, I see the stepping stones, the phases of evolution, the challenges, and the breakthroughs. My self-confidence grew as life grew in me; it grew as I grew into the difficulties and the pleasures existence had in store, for me.
In my dance, I started tense, afraid, anxious, unsure if I was good enough.
Then, I went through exhaustion. The exhaustion of trying to please people, get their applause and approval.
That exhaustion brought me to surrender. In a state of surrender, I understood there was nothing to prove. I could relax, let it go, flow with the music, the movement, and the moment. All I had to do was be myself, do my best, and dance from my heart. Honestly, openly. I had to become more human.
Is that it?
Not quite. But almost.
The truth is frequently delivered in chunks, disperse pieces of a puzzle we have to put together, continuously.
Be on the watch. Observe. Realize the fact that life´s too short for playing small. In dance, as in life, self-confidence is the appreciation for the gift of being alive.
The answers can be found in the most improbable places like, well, inside.
If you wish to take your SELF-EMPOWERMENT skills to a higher level and go deeper into the PERSONAL RESOURCES you carry within, the ones that´ll allow you to CREATE THE DANCE & LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS, check our
Online Training/Membership
A Transformative Training that´ll take you from the ABC to the Mastery of Egyptian Oriental Dance (aka "belly dance") & Personal Development.
Learn authentic Egyptian Oriental Dance while you (re)discover who you are and empower yourself.
In this Training, Joana Saahirah delivers the juice from more than 20 years of work in the field of Egyptian Dance, first in Egypt and then, around the world.
Using her original Teaching Method, bringing the best of the East and the best of the West together, Joana faciliates your evolution. In dance, as in life.
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